(A Corporation Not for Profit under the Laws of
the State of Florida)
These are the By-Laws of PLAYA del MAR ASSOCIATION, INC., a Corporation
Not for Profit under the laws of the State of Florida, the Articles
of Incorporation of which were filed in the office of the Secretary
of State on February 14, 1974. PLAYA del MAR ASSOCIATION, INC.,
hereinafter called "ASSOCIATION", has been organized for
the purpose of administering the operation and management of PLAYA
del MAR CONDOMINIUM, a high rise apartment project established or
to be established in accordance with the Condominium Act of the
State of Florida upon the following described property, situate,
lying and being in Broward County, Florida, to-wit:
Lots Fifteen (15) and Sixteen (16), Block Thirty-Four (34), of
Galt Ocean Mile Addition No. 1, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, according
to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 45, Page 9, of the Public
Records of Broward County, Florida.
a) The provisions of these By-Laws are applicable to PLAYA del
MAR CONDOMINIUM, and the terms and provisions hereof are expressly
subject to the effect of the terms, provisions, conditions and authorizations
contained in the Articles of Incorporation and which may be contained
in the formal Declaration of Condominium which will be recorded
in the Public Records of Broward County, Florida, at the time said
property and the improvements now or hereafter situate thereon are
submitted to the Plan of Condominium Ownership, the terms and provisions
of said Articles of Incorporation and Declaration of Condominium
to be controlling wherever the same may be in conflict herewith.
b) All present or future owners, tenants, future tenants or their
employees, or any other person that might use PLAYA del MAR CONDOMINIUM
or any of the facilities thereof in any manner, are subject to the
regulations set forth in these By-Laws and in said Articles of Incorporation
and Declaration of Condominium.
c) The office of the ASSOCIATION shall be at 3900 Galt Ocean Drive,
Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
d) The fiscal year of the ASSOCIATION shall be the calendar year.
e) The seal of the ASSOCIATION shall bear the name of the ASSOCIATION,
the word "Florida", the words "Corporation Not For
Profit" and the year of incorporation, an impression of which
seal is as follows:
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a) The qualifications of members, the manner of their admission
to membership and termination of such membership, and voting by
members, shall be as set forth in Article IV of the Articles of
Incorporation of the ASSOCIATION, the provisions of which said Article
IV of the Articles of Incorporation are incorporated herein by reference.
b) A quorum at members' meetings shall consist of persons entitled
to cast a majority of the votes of the entire membership. The joinder
of a member in the action of a meeting by signing and concurring
in the minutes thereof shall constitute the presence of such person
for the purpose of determining a quorum.
c) The vote of the owners of an APARTMENT owned by more than one
person or by a corporation or other entity shall be cast by the
person named in a Certificate signed by all of the owners of the
APARTMENT and filed with the Secretary of the ASSOCIATION, and such
Certificate shall be valid until revoked by subsequent Certificate.
If such Certificate is not on file, the vote of such owners shall
not be considered in determining the requirement for a quorum, nor
for any other purpose.
d) Votes may be cast in person or by proxy. Proxies shall be valid
only for the particular meeting designated thereon, or any extension
or adjournment of such meeting, and must be filed with the Secretary
before the appointed time of the meeting.
(Amended April 4, 1987, OR BOOK 14317, PG 302)
NOTE: Effective January 1, 1992, Chapter 718, Florida Statutes
requires that no proxies may be used in general elections of Directors
or elections to fill vacancies on the Board of Directors. Except
as specifically allowed by law, unit owners may not vote by general
proxy, but may vote by limited proxy. Limited proxies and general
proxies may be used to establish a quorum.
e) Approval or disapproval of an APARTMENT owner upon any matters,
whether or not the subject of an ASSOCIATION meeting, shall be by
the same person who would cast the vote of such owner if in an ASSOCIATION
meeting. f) Except where otherwise required under the provisions
of the Articles of Incorporation of the ASSOCIATION, these By-Laws,
the Declaration of Condominium, or where the same may otherwise
be required by law, the affirmative vote of the owners of a majority
of the APARTMENTS represented at any duly called members' meeting
at which a quorum is present shall be binding upon the members.
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a) The annual members' meeting shall be held at the office of the
ASSOCIATION, or such other place as designated by the Board of Directors
at 8:00 o'clock P.M. on or before the ninth month following the
month of the issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. Thereafter, the
annual members' meeting shall be held on the fourth Tuesday of the
same month of the first annual membership meeting for the purpose
of electing Directors and of transacting any other business authorized
to be transacted by the members; provided, however, that if that
day is a legal holiday, the meeting shall be held at the same hour
on the next succeeding Tuesday.
b) Special members' meeting shall be held whenever called by the
President or Vice-President or by a majority of the Board of Directors,
and must be called by such officers upon receipt of a written request
from members of the Association owning a majority of the APARTMENTS.
c) Notice of all members' meetings, regular or special, shall be
given by the President, Vice-President or Secretary of the ASSOCIATION,
or other officer of the ASSOCIATION in absence of said Officers,
to each member, unless waived in writing, such notice to be written
or printed and to state the time and place and object for which
the meeting Is called. Such notice shall be given to each member
not less than fourteen (14) days nor more than sixty (60) days prior
to the date set for such meeting, which notice shall be sent by
certified or registered mail or presented personally to each member
within said time. In addition, fourteen (14) days advance notice
to the members of such meeting shall be posted at a conspicuous
place on the condominium property. If presented personally, receipt
of such notice shall be signed by the member, indicating the date
on which such notice was received by him. If mailed, such notice
shall be deemed to be properly given when deposited in the United
States Mails addressed to the member at his post office address
as it appears on the records of the ASSOCIATION, the postage thereon
prepaid. Proof of such mailing shall be evidenced by production
at the meeting of the postal receipt indicating certification or
registration of the mailing. Any member may, by written waiver of
notice signed by such member, waive such notice, and such waiver,
when filed in the records of the ASSOCIATION, whether before or
after the holding of the meeting, shall be deemed equivalent to
the giving of such notice to such member. If any members' meeting
cannot be organized because a quorum has not attended, wherever
the latter percentage of attendance may be required as set forth
in the Articles of Incorporation, these By-Laws or the Declaration
of Condominium, the members who are present, either in person or
by proxy, shall adjourn the meeting to a date certain, and at said
meetings, if a quorum is not in attendance, the members who are
present shall be empowered to transact the business of the meeting.
d) The order of business at annual members' meetings, and, as far
as practical, at any other members' meeting, shall be:
i) The President, or, in his absence, the Vice-President of
shall be the Chairman of the meeting.
ii) Calling of the roll and certifying of proxies.
iii) Proof of notice of meeting or waiver of notice.
iv) Reading and disposal of any unapproved minutes.
v) Reports of Officers.
vi) Reports of Committees.
vii) Election of Inspectors of Election.
viii) Election of Directors.
ix) Unfinished business.
x) New business.
xi) Adjournment.
NOTE: Effective April 1, 1992, the following procedure is required
by Chapter 718, Florida Statutes: Participation. Unit owners shall
have the right to participate in meetings of unit owners with
reference to all designated agenda items. However, the Association
may adopt reasonable rules governing the frequency, duration and
manner of unit owner participation. Any unit owner may tape record
or videotape a meeting of the unit owners subject to reasonable
rules adopted by the Division of Florida Land Sales, Condominiums
and Mobile Homes. Proxies. Except as specifically otherwise Provided,
unit owners may not vote by general Proxy, but may vote by limited
proxies. Limited proxies and general proxies may be used to establish
a quorum. Limited proxies must be used for votes taken to waive
or reduce reserves; for votes taken to waive financial reporting
requirements; for votes taken to amend the Condominium Documents;
and any other matter for which Chapter 718 requires or permits
a vote of the unit owners. No proxy, limited or general, may be
used in the election of Board members. General Proxies may be
used for other matters for which limited proxies are not required,
and may also be used in voting for nonsubstantive changes to items
for which a limited proxy is required and given. An executed telegram
or cablegram appearing to have been transmitted by the proxy giver,
or a photographic, photostatic or equivalent reproduction of a
proxy is a sufficient proxy.
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a) Commencing with the annual meeting of 1991, the Board of Directors
shall consist of seven (7) members. Four (4) vacancies shall be
filled in the odd years and three (3) in the even years. All Directors
shall serve two (2) year terms.
(Amended December 7, 1990, OR BOOK 17972, PG 0180)
b) Election of Directors shall be conducted in the following manner:
i) All members of the Board of Directors shall be elected by
a plurality of the votes cast at the Annual Meeting of the Members
of the ASSOCIATION. (Amended April 4, 1987, OR BOOK 14317, PG
ii) Vacancies in the Board of Directors may be filled until the
date of the next annual meeting by the remaining Directors. (Amended
April 4, 1987, OR BOOK 14317, PG 302)
iii) As many Directors of the ASSOCIATION shall be elected at
the annual meeting as there are regular terms of office of Directors
expiring at such time, and the term of office of the Directors
so elected at the annual meeting of the members each year shall
be for two (2) years expiring at the second annual meeting following
their election and thereafter until their successors are duly
elected and qualified, or until removed in the manner elsewhere
provided or as may be provided by law. (Amended April 4, 1987,
OR BOOK 14317, PG 302)
iv) In the election of Directors, there shall be appurtenant
to each APARTMENT as many votes for Directors as there are Directors
to be elected, provided, however, that no member or owner of any
APARTMENT may cast more than one (1) vote for any person nominated
as a Director, it being the intent hereof that voting for Directors
shall be noncumulative.
c) The organizational meeting of a newly elected Board of Directors
shall be held within ten (10) days of their election, at such time
and at such place as shall be fixed by the Directors at the meeting
at which they were elected, and no further notice of the organizational
meeting shall be necessary provided a quorum shall be present. The
outgoing President of the Board of Directors will preside over said
organizational meeting until the new officers are elected.
d) Regular meetings of the Board of Directors may be held at such
time and place as shall be determined from time to time by a majority
of the Directors. Notice of regular meetings shall be given to each
Director, personally or by mail, telephone or telegram, at least
three (3) days prior to the day named for such meeting, unless notice
is waived. All meetings of the Board of Directors shall be open
to all APARTMENT owners and notice of such Board meetings shall
be posted conspicuously forty-eight (48) hours in advance for the
attention of APARTMENT owners, except in an emergency.
e) Special meetings of the Directors may be called by the President
and must be called by the Secretary at the written request of one-third
(1/3) of the votes of the Board. Not less than three (3) days notice
of a meeting shall be given to each Director, personally or by mail,
telephone or telegram, which notice shall state the time, place
and purpose of the meeting.
f) Any Director may waive notice of a meeting before or after the
meeting, and such waiver shall be deemed equivalent to the giving
of notice.
g) A quorum at a Directors' meeting shall consist of the Directors
entitled to cast a majority of the votes of the entire Board. The
acts of the Board approved by a majority of the votes present at
a meeting at which a quorum is present shall constitute the acts
of the Board of Directors, except as specifically otherwise provided
in the Articles of Incorporation, these By-Laws or the Declaration
of Condominium. If any Directors' meeting cannot be organized because
a quorum has not attended, or because the greater percentage of
the Directors required to constitute a quorum for particular purposes
has not attended, wherever the latter percentage of attendance may
be required as set forth in the Articles of Incorporation, these
By-Laws, or the Declaration of Condominium, the Directors who are
present may adjourn the meeting from time to time until a quorum,
or the required percentage of attendance if greater than a quorum,
is present. At any adjourned meeting, any business, which might
have been transacted at the meeting as originally called may be
transacted without further notice. The joinder of a Director in
the action of a meeting by signing and concurring in the minutes
thereof shall constitute the presence of such Director for the purpose
of determining a quorum.
NOTE: Effective April 1, 1992, the following notice procedure
is required by Chapter 718, Florida Statutes:
Notice. Notice of Board meetings and Board appointed committee
meetings, which notice shall specifically incorporate an identification
of agenda items, shall be posted conspicuously on the condominium
property at least 48 continuous hours in advance for the attention
of unit owners, except in an emergency. Any item not included
on the notice may be taken upon an emergency basis by at least
a majority plus one of the members of the Board. Such emergency
action shall be noticed and ratified at the next regular meeting
of the Board. Meetings at which a regular assessment is to be
considered shall contain a statement that assessments will be
considered and the nature of such assessments. However, written
notice of any meeting at which non-emergency special assessments,
or at which amendment to rules regarding unit use will be considered,
shall be mailed or delivered to the unit owners and posted conspicuously
on the condominium property not less than 14 continuous days prior
to the meeting. Evidence of compliance with this 14-day notice
shall be by an affidavit executed by the Secretary and filing
among the official records of the Association. Upon notice to
the unit owners, the Board shall by duly adopted rule designate
a specific location on the condominium property upon which all
notices of Board meetings shall be posted.
Owner Participation. Meetings of the Owners, Board of
Directors and any committee thereof at which a quorum of the members
of that committee are present shall be open to all unit owners.
The right to attend such meetings includes the right to speak
with reference to all designated agenda items provided however,
the Association may adopt reasonable rules governing the frequency,
duration and manner of unit owner statements. Unit owners shall
have the right to tape record or videotape the meetings of the
Board of Administration, subject to reasonable rules adopted by
the Division of Florida Land Sales, Condominiums and Mobile Homes.
Directors may not vote by secret ballot except to elect officers.
A vote or abstention for each director on each matter shall be
recorded in the minutes.
h) The Presiding Officer of Directors' meetings shall be the
Chairman of the Board, if such an Officer has been elected, and
if none, then the President shall preside. In the absence of the
Presiding Officer, the Directors present shall designate one of
their number to preside.
i) Directors' fees, if any, shall be determined by the members.
j) All of the powers and duties of the ASSOCIATION shall be exercised
by the Board of Directors, including those existing under common
law and the statutes, the Articles of Incorporation of the ASSOCIATION,
these By-Laws and the Declaration of Condominium. Such powers
and duties shall be exercised in accordance with said Articles
of Incorporation, these By-Laws and the Declaration of Condominium,
and shall include, without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
the following:
i) To make, levy and collect assessments against members and
members' APARTMENTS to defray the costs of the Condominium, and
to use the proceeds of said assessments in the exercise of the
powers and duties granted unto the ASSOCIATION.
ii) The maintenance, repair, replacement, operation and management
of PLAYA del MAR CONDOMINIUM wherever the same is required to
be done and accomplished by the ASSOCIATION for the benefit of
its members.
iii) The reconstruction of improvements after casualty, and the
further improvement of the property, real and personal.
iv) To make and amend regulations governing the use of the property,
real and personal, in PLAYA del MAR CONDOMINIUM, so long as such
regulations or amendments thereto do not conflict with the restrictions
and limitations which may be placed upon the use of such property
under the terms of Condominium.
v) To approve or disapprove proposed purchasers and lessees of
APARTMENTS in the manner specified in Declaration of Condominium.
vi) To acquire, operate, lease, manage and otherwise trade and
deal with property, real and personal, including APARTMENTS in
PLAYA del MAR CONDOMINIUM, as may be necessary or convenient in
the operation and management of PLAYA del MAR CONDOMINIUM, and
in accomplishing the purposes set forth in the Declaration of
vii) To contract for the management of PLAYA del MAR CONDOMINIUM
and to delegate to such contractor all of the powers and duties
of the ASSOCIATION, except those which may be required by the
Declaration of Condominium to have approval of the Board of Directors
or membership of the ASSOCIATION.
viii ) To enforce by legal means the provisions of the Articles
of Incorporation and By-Laws of the ASSOCIATION, the Declaration
of Condominium and the use of the property in PLAYA del MAR CONDOMINIUM.
ix) To pay all taxes and assessments which are liens against any
part of PLAYA del MAR CONDOMINIUM other than APARTMENTS and the
appurtenances thereto, and to assess the same against the members
and their respective APARTMENTS subject to such liens.
x) To carry insurance for the protection of the members and the
ASSOCIATION, its officers and Directors against casualty and liability.
(Amended April 4, 1987, OR BOOK 14317, PG 302)
xi) To pay all costs of power, water, sewer and other utility
services rendered to the Condominium and not billed to the owners
of the separate APARTMENTS; and xii) To employ personnel for reasonable
compensation to perform the services required for proper administration
of the purposes of the ASSOCIATION.
k) The undertakings and contracts authorized by said first Board
of Directors shall be binding upon the ASSOCIATION in the same
manner as though such undertakings and contracts had been authorized
by the first Board of Directors duly elected by the membership
after the property identified herein has been submitted to the
Plan of Condominium Ownership and said Declaration of Condominium
has been recorded in the Broward County Public Records, so long
as any undertakings and contracts are within the scope of the
powers and duties which may be exercised by the Board of Directors
of the ASSOCIATION in accordance with all applicable condominium
1) Any one or more of the members of the Board of Directors of
the ASSOCIATION may be removed, either with or without cause,
at any time by a vote of the members owning a majority of the
APARTMENTS in PLAYA del MAR CONDOMINIUM, at any special meeting
called for such purpose, or at the annual meeting. (Amended April
4, 1987, OR BOOK 14317, PG 302)
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a) The executive officers of the ASSOCIATION shall be a President,
who shall be a Director, a Vice-President, who shall be a Director,
a Treasurer, a Secretary and an Assistant Secretary, all of whom
shall be elected annually by the Board of Directors and who may
be peremptorily removed by vote of the Directors at any meeting.
Any person may hold two or more offices, except that the President
shall not also be the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary. The Board
of Directors shall from time to time elect such other officers and
designate their powers and duties as the Board shall find to be
required to manage the affairs of the ASSOCIATION.
b) The President shall be the chief executive officer of the ASSOCIATION.
He shall have all of the powers and duties which are usually vested
in the office of President of an association, including but not
limited to the power to appoint committees from among the members
from time to time, as he may in his discretion determine appropriate,
to assist in the conduct of the affairs of the ASSOCIATION.
c) The Vice-President shall, in the absence or disability of the
President, exercise the powers and perform the duties of the President.
He shall also generally assist the President and exercise such other
powers and perform such other duties as shall be prescribed by the
d) The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all proceedings of the
Directors and the members. The minutes of all such meetings shall
be kept in a businesslike manner and shall be available for inspection
by the members at all reasonable times. The Secretary shall attend
to the giving and serving of all notices to the members and Directors,
and such other notices required by law. The Secretary shall have
custody of the seal of the ASSOCIATION and affix the same to instruments
requiring a seal when duly signed. The Secretary shall keep the
records of the ASSOCIATION, except those of the Treasurer, and shall
perform all other duties incident to the Office of Secretary of
an association and as may be required by the Directors or President.
The Assistant Secretary shall perform the duties of Secretary when
the Secretary is absent.
(Amended April 4, 1987, OR BOOK 14317, PG 302)
e) The Treasurer shall have custody of all the property of the
ASSOCIATION, including funds, securities and evidences of indebtedness.
The Treasurer shall keep the assessment rolls and accounts of the
members; the Treasurer shall keep the books of the Association in
accordance with good accounting practices; and shall perform all
other duties incident to the office of Treasurer. (Amended April
4, 1987, OR BOOK 14317, PG 302)
f) The compensation of all employees of the ASSOCIATION shall be
fixed by the Directors. This provision shall not preclude the contracting
with a Director for the management of the Condominium with the proviso
that upon the happening of such event, the Director shall resign
from the Board. (Amended April 4, 1987, OR BOOK 14317, PG 302)
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The provisions for fiscal management of the ASSOCIATION set forth
in the Declaration of Condominium and Articles of Incorporation
shall be supplemented by the following provisions:
a) The assessment roll shall be maintained in a set of accounting
books in which there shall be an account for each APARTMENT. Such
an account shall designate the name and address of the owner or
owners, the amount of each assessment against the owners, the date
and amounts in which assessments come due, the amounts paid upon
the account and the balance due upon assessments.
b) The Board of Directors shall adopt a budget for each calendar
year which shall contain estimates of the cost of performing the
functions of the ASSOCIATION, including but not limited to the following
i) Common expense budget, which may include, without limiting
the generality of the foregoing, the estimated amounts necessary
for maintenance and operation of COMMON PROPERTY and LIMITED COMMON
PROPERTY, landscaping, street and walkways, office expense, swimming
pool, utility services, casualty insurance, liability insurance,
administration and reserves (operating and replacement); and
c) Copies of the proposed budget and proposed assessments shall
be transmitted to each APARTMENT owner not less than thirty (30)
days prior to the meeting at which the budget will be considered,
together with a notice of that meeting. If the budget is subsequently
amended before the assessments are made, a copy of the amended budget
shall be furnished each member concerned. Delivery of a copy of
any budget or amended budget to each member shall not affect the
liability of any member for any assessment, nor shall delivery of
a copy of such budget or amended budget be considered as a condition
precedent to the effectiveness of said budget and assessments levied
pursuant thereto, and nothing herein contained shall be construed
as restricting the right of the Board of Directors to at any time
in their sole discretion levy any additional assessment in the event
that the budget originally adopted shall appear to be insufficient
to pay costs and expenses of operation and management, or in the
event of emergencies.
d) The depository of the ASSOCIATION shall be such banks or other
financial institutions as shall be designated from time to time
by the Directors and in which the monies of the ASSOCIATION shall
be deposited. Withdrawal of monies from such accounts shall only
be checks signed by such persons as are authorized by the Directors.
(Amended April 4, 1987, OR BOOK 14317, PG 302)
e) An audit of the accounts of the ASSOCIATION shall be made annually
by a Certified Public Accountant, and a copy of the report shall
be furnished to each member not later than the second Tuesday in
March of the year following the year for which the report is made.
f) Fidelity bonds shall be required by the Board of Directors from
all officers, employees or any contractor handling or responsible
for ASSOCIATION funds. The amount of such bonds shall be determined
by the Directors, but shall be at least the amount of the total
annual assessments against members for common expenses. The premiums
on such bonds shall be paid by the ASSOCIATION.
NOTE: Effective April 1, 1992, Florida Statutes, Chapter 718
requires the Association to maintain fidelity bonds for the President,
Secretary and Treasurer of the Association and for all other persons
authorized to sign checks. The required amount of the bond is
determined by the total annual gross receipts of the Association.
If annual gross receipts are less than $100,000, the bonds shall
each be in the sum of $10,000 per person; if annual gross receipts
are between $100,000 and $299,000, the bonds shall each be in
the sum of $30,000 per person; if annual gross receipts are $300,000
or more, the bonds shall each be in the sum of $50,000 each.
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Robert's Rules of Order (latest edition), shall
govern the conduct of corporate proceedings when not in conflict
with the Articles of Incorporation and these By-Laws or with the
Statutes of the State of Florida.
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Amendments to these By-Laws shall be proposed and adopted in the
following manner:
a) Amendments to these By-Laws may be proposed by the Board of
Directors of the ASSOCIATION acting upon vote of the majority of
the Directors, or by members of the ASSOCIATION owning at least
70 of the APARTMENTS in PLAYA del MAR CONDOMINIUM, whether meeting
as members or by instrument in writing signed by them.
b) Upon any amendment or amendments to these By-Laws being proposed
by said Board of Directors or members, such proposed amendment or
amendments shall be transmitted to the President of the ASSOCIATION,
or other officer of the ASSOCIATION in absence of the President,
who shall thereupon call a special joint meeting of the members
of the Board of Directors of the ASSOCIATION and the membership
for a date not sooner than twenty (20) days or later than sixty
(60) days from receipt by such Officer of the proposed amendment
or amendments, and it shall be the duty of the Secretary to give
to each member written or printed notice of such meeting in the
same form and in the same manner as notice of the call of a Special
Meeting of the members is required as herein set forth.
c) In order for such amendment or amendments to become effective,
the same must be approved by an affirmative vote of seventy (70%)
percent of the members present and voting, either in person or by
proxy. (Amended March 7, 1985, OR BOOK 12374, PG 528)
The foregoing were adopted as the By-Laws of PLAYA del MAR ASSOCIATION,
INC., a corporation not for profit under the Laws of the State of
Florida, at the first meeting of the Board of Directors on February
25, 1974.
President J. P. Taravella
Secretary Richard T. Wade
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Playa del Mar

3900 Galt Ocean Drive - Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
(954) 561-0990 - Fax: (954) 563-9239
[email protected]